Frequently Asked Questions
How can I use my insurance benefits to pay for sessions?
Insurance is confusing. So, let’s make it simple. I am an out-of-network provider.
Insurance plans offer in-network and out-of-network benefits. You may be familiar with in-network benefits already. That means a provider bills your insurance directly and receives payment from the insurance company. The concerning part? Insurance companies can conduct an audit of your in-network provider and access your health record whenever they want. That means this “benefit” is offered in exchange for access to your data and personal health information.
Here’s the secret most insurance companies don’t want you to know— your plan offers out-of-network benefits. That means your insurance will reimburse you for out-of-pocket session costs AND your data is protected. There are two ways to do this.
Option 1: I can provide you with a Superbill (a fancy way of saying receipt for session costs) at the end of each month and you can submit this receipt to your insurance company directly to receive reimbursement at no additional cost to you.
Option 2: I can submit out-of-network claims on your behalf and you can receive reimbursement directly through Mentaya. Cost: 5% of your reimbursement
What is Mentaya?
Mentaya is a service that streamlines getting reimbursed for your therapy sessions through out-of-network benefits. It’s the “middle-man” that helps you recover out-of-pocket costs without waiting for hours on the phone with member services from your insurance company.
It is free of cost and does not require you to make an account to check your out-of-network benefits at this link:
To submit claims through Mentaya:
1. Sign up for Mentaya at this link: https://mentaya.co/inviteclient/rachel_coster
2. I will enter your sessions into the platform.
3. Mentaya submits the claim and handles any insurance follow-up.
4. You get reimbursed by insurance!
COST: If you choose to submit claims through Mentaya, they charge a 5% fee per claim, which includes handling any paperwork required, dealing with denials, and calling insurance companies.
It's risk-free: They guarantee claims are successfully submitted, or a full refund of their fees.
What data will be shared if I use my out-of-network benefits?
To take full advantage of out-of-network benefits, I am required to provide your legal name, date of birth, and insurance information. To file an out-of-network claim, I provide the date of service, diagnosis, and session length.
If you do not have out-of-network benefits or choose not to use them, you are not required to have a diagnosis to receive treatment and none of your data will be accessible by your insurance company. Your health information will remain between you and your provider.
How long do Hungry Heart clients usually stay in treatment?
Clients are usually in treatment with me between 6 months and a year. In addition to data protection, working with an out-of-network provider offers you the option to adjust session length and frequency based on your goals and lifestyle.
You are entitled to a Good Faith Estimate, which means following your initial evaluation, I will provide an estimate of how long you can expect to be in treatment and approximately how much your services will cost.