Ready to feel more in control of your life?

Offering online therapy sessions in Vermont and Massachusetts

For People Who Live for the Thrills

(of striking through tasks on their to-do list)

You’re as reliable as they come—working full-time during the week, balancing household tasks, taking care of pets, plants, or aging parents, and on top of that, you’re also HOA president or leader of your staff appreciation team.

The spa gift card from two holidays ago remains on your office desk because sometimes, this balancing act feels like you’re juggling a bunch of glass bottles—if you slow down, one might fall to the ground and shatter.  Not to mention you were socialized according to the bullshit pressure of the patriarchy, so the expectation is to juggle these glass bottles flawlessly and never let them see you sweat.

You’d like to take a break, but it feels overwhelming to plan, so when you do get the opportunity to slow down you may feel limited to spending time on the couch or in bed in front of a screen.  It feels like your only option—leaving you feeling depleted, distracted and disconnected.

You feel stuck in this cycle of over-functioning and under-functioning and you are ready to beat burnout to feel more connected in relationships.

You deserve to feel comfortable and grounded in the present, experience satisfaction, and feel in control of your life.

Happy woman who feels satisfied in relationships and in control of her life

Ready to take the next step toward feeling better?

Rachel Coster is a licensed therapist in Vermont and Massachusetts for people who want to feel more in control of their lives

Hi, I’m Rachel!

I am a licensed independent clinical social worker and I am passionate about helping individuals break the cycle of over-functioning and under-functioning to reduce burnout and increase satisfaction in relationships.  Most of my clients are women in their 30s and 40s who experience difficulty saying no and constant pressure to perform or be perfect, believe productivity equals self-worth, and feel responsible for everything and everyone. I use EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) strategies to help them release the pressure of past experiences, meet their previously unmet needs and feel more in control of their lives.

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Online Psychotherapy for Adults 21+

All of your appointments are conveniently offered online. Receive individualized care from the comfort and privacy of your home


Dually licensed in Vermont and Massachusetts.

Teletherapy makes access to services easy for adults located in-state